Radhika's Portfolio

Hi! I’m Radhika, a seasoned professional with background in data analysis and a
Masters degree holder in Data Science from Seattle University.
Explore and learn about my projects below.

Donor Database Analysis and Prediction of Donation Score

The project is based on analyzing a non-profit organization's donor database and provide recommendations on improving fundraising strategies. The study also explores on building machine learning models to predict donation scores. The project presents an opportunity for the non-profit to make the most out of their data and improve fundraising efforts, ultimately allowing them to better serve the children and families they support.

Analysis of Gender Inequality
using Python

The project aims to showcase the disparity factors that affect women. The three main dimensions that reflect the Gender Inequality Index - reproductive health, empowerment, and the labor market, are visualized in this project.

Data analysis using
SQL on
Domestic USA Airlines

Analyis of domestic USA airlines, extracted raw data, normalized and created dependency diagrams
Loaded to MySQL, analysed the trends with queries and created interactive visualizations for three time periods including peak COVID pandemic flight data.